Monday, March 26, 2012

Info on VLDB (Very Large Database) scenarios?

So, the boss asked how Sql 2005 does with VLDBs (Very Large Database). Can someone, anyone, point me in the direction of some reliable, relevant information related to Sql 2005 and VLDBs?

I'm having a tough time finding anything with numbers, Gigs, Terabytes, stats... case studies, etc.


SQL Server 2005 is more robust for VLDB, it has a lot of enhancements:

Backup and Restore operations

Import/Export Operations

Case Studies:


I have a lot of experience in this area. My team , SQL Server Customer Advisory Team (SQLCAT), has helped many customers design, build and deploy some very large SQL Server implementations. The post before this had a good link to some case studies. You also want to check out the last WinterCorp study which records database sizes (Just search on WinterCorp) or go to

SQL Server has several production systems above 10TB today in production. One example is an internal application (around 20TB) where we load up to 1TB each day into the server daily and delete nearly as much. We are also working on a couple of projects that will be 5x-10x that size in the future but I can't elaborate too much. Feel free to contact me offline to discuss: Also check out our blog:


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