Monday, March 26, 2012

info on setting up XML webservices and SSL ?

Im under the impression the SQL has something called XML web services and
that I can use this service to provided an SSL layer for my IIS6 machine and
aspx code to query the SQL db remotly.
At the moment my aspx app simply connects to the remote SQL server on 1433
using SQL authentication. It then pulls back an XML page. It was suggested
this XML web service could do this far more securely + uses SSL.
I just wondering if anyone has a few pointers about how to start setting
this up ?
I assume in need to install services on SQL server (web server and IIS
maybe) and setup certificate server etc...
Any information is helpful.
Thanks for your time
Do you have the SQLXML 3.0 component downloaded from MSDN (aka as
WebServices toolkit)?
Best regards
"scott" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Im under the impression the SQL has something called XML web services and
> that I can use this service to provided an SSL layer for my IIS6 machine
> and aspx code to query the SQL db remotly.
> At the moment my aspx app simply connects to the remote SQL server on 1433
> using SQL authentication. It then pulls back an XML page. It was suggested
> this XML web service could do this far more securely + uses SSL.
> I just wondering if anyone has a few pointers about how to start setting
> this up ?
> I assume in need to install services on SQL server (web server and IIS
> maybe) and setup certificate server etc...
> Any information is helpful.
> Thanks for your time
> Scott
|||thanks for reply, i will take a look at the download.

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