I'm having a weird problem with an easy process. I have a section that allows people to enter their name and email address if they wish to be contacted. I have it set up so that when they enter that information into the text boxes, the info is then sent to my SQL database. The code looks right to me, but it never comes up. Here is the code I have for the button_click.
NTAdatasourceAsNew SqlDataSource()NTAdatasource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(
"DatabaseConnectionString1").ToString()NTAdatasource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
NTAdatasource.InsertCommand =
"INSERT into ContactUs (YourName, EmailAddress, DateTimeStamp) VALUES (@.YourName, @.EmailAddress, @.DateTimeStamp)"NTAdatasource.InsertParameters.Add(
"YourName", txtYourName.Text)NTAdatasource.InsertParameters.Add(
"EmailAddress", txtEmailAddress.Text)NTAdatasource.InsertParameters.Add(
"DateTimeStamp", DateTime.Now)Dim RowsAddedAsInteger = 0TryRowsAdded = NTAdatabase.Insert()
Catch exAs ExceptionServer.Transfer(
"problem.aspx")EndTryIf RowsAdded <> 1Then
The strange thing is that when I debug, the "rowsadded" value comes up to 1. The process runs through debugging just fine and redirects me to my "success.aspx" page. What am I doing wrong?
Never mind...figured it out.
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