Friday, March 30, 2012

Information_Schema query

I'm trying to return the number of columns in a table in a different
database, I would like to do this via passing values to the
information_schema so it will check different databases. Currently I
have the following code that works:
select count(*) from database1.information_Schema.columns where
table_Name= @.table_name
** where database1 is the name of the database and @.table_name is a
variable that will change. I would like it so that the database name
can be changed as well, I've tried the following code but it wont run,
reports error next to .
select count(*) from @.database.information_Schema.columns where
table_Name= @.table_name
Is it possible to pass a variable to the information_schema like I am
trying? If not is there a way round this?
SimonOnly with Dymanic SQL
Declare @.database varchar(30)
Declare @.table_name varchar(30)
set @.database ='DBName'
set @.table_name ='tableName'
select count(*) from '+@.database+'.information_Schema.columns where
table_Name= '''+@.table_name+'''')
Madhivanan|||Thank for the help.
I'm trying to put the result (i.e. however number of columns) into a
variable of type int.
I've tried both this lines of code but they wont run:
select @.column_limit = ('Exec(select count(*) from
'+@.database_name+'.information_Schema.columns where table_Name='''+@.table_name+''')')
Exec('select '+@.column_limit+'=(select count(*) from
'+@.database_name+'.information_Schema.columns where table_Name='''+@.table_name+''')')
where column_limit is a variable of type int that hold the value of the
number of columns.
Thanks in advance
Simon|||You execute use a parameterized query with sp_executesql to return output
values from a dynamic SQL statement. For example
DECLARE @.SqlStatement nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @.database_name sysname
DECLARE @.table_name sysname
DECLARE @.column_limit int
SET @.database_name = 'MyDatabase'
SET @.table_name = 'MyTable'
SET @.SqlStatement = 'SELECT @.column_limit = COUNT(*)
WHERE TABLE_NAME = @.table_name_param'
EXEC sp_executesql @.SqlStatement,
N'@.column_limit int OUT,
@.table_name_param sysname',
@.column_limit OUT,
@.table_name_param = @.table_name
SELECT @.column_limit
Also, check out
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"accyboy1981" <> wrote in message
> Thank for the help.
> I'm trying to put the result (i.e. however number of columns) into a
> variable of type int.
> I've tried both this lines of code but they wont run:
> select @.column_limit = ('Exec(select count(*) from
> '+@.database_name+'.information_Schema.columns where table_Name=> '''+@.table_name+''')')
> and:
> Exec('select '+@.column_limit+'=(select count(*) from
> '+@.database_name+'.information_Schema.columns where table_Name=> '''+@.table_name+''')')
> where column_limit is a variable of type int that hold the value of the
> number of columns.
> Thanks in advance
> Simon

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