Wednesday, March 28, 2012

InfoPath 2007 and endpoint yielding HTTP authentication failed.

I created a HelloWorld like example using InforPath 2007 and endpoint with SQL Server 2005. Very simple example.

I created a stored procedure that took in one parameter, a datetime field. This parameter is then inserted into a db table that has two columns, an id column and a datetime column.

I took the store procedure just discribed to create an endpoint. Cool. The WSDL is showing, I'm feeling good.

I go to InfoPath and make it so that submit a datetime to the webmethod associated with the endpoint. The data table shows one more row has been added and it is the datetime I sent from InfoPath. YEA!! I go to the Event View and see that I have an error message. The message is HTTP authenticaiton failed. [CLIENT:]. Bummer!!

This does not make sense to me. I am able to update the targeted database table but I get an exception. I do not like exceptions nor warnings without an explanation. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?

The endpoint code looks like: <code snippet>

CREATE ENDPOINT [GeraldTesting_endpoint]
AS HTTP (PATH=N'/testEndPoint',
CLEAR_PORT = 8080,
WEBMETHOD 'testEndPoint'
( NAME=N'[geraldstest].[dbo].[Gerald_Test_Proc]'
BATCHES=ENABLED, WSDL=N'[master].[sys].[sp_http_generate_wsdl_defaultcomplexorsimple]',

</code snippet>

I had to give up for the project I am currently working because of time constraints. But in the future, for out-of-the-box functionality for proof-of-concept/prototyping, I would like to use endpoints.

Hi Gerald,

If I understand your situation correctly, your InfoPath is able to connect to the SQL SOAP endpoint and submit the data correctly, but then you are seeing a HTTP authentication failure in the Event View. It sounds like InfoPath itself is not raising any errors or exceptions. Is this Event View part of InfoPath? Or, is this the SQL Errorlog?

I am assuming you've verified that the timestamp of the HTTP authentication failure entry is the same time when you submitted the data with InfoPath. Also, I am assuming that the connection setting to SQL Server in the InfoPath form is done through Web Services instead of a direct SQL connection.

If you are able to retrieve the WSDL document from SQL using InfoPath, the same user will have access to submit data to the endpoint. If the InfoPath form as opened by another user, then you will need to grant the enduser access.

It would be really helpful if you can provide the complete error message and the whether the user has been granted access to the endpoint.

From what you've mentioned, the insert did work, so there's either a major bug in the SQL product where we are incorrectly logging bad messages or else there is some other configuration issue.


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